2 min read

The Magic of Art Journaling

Art journaling helps you relax, solve problems, and keep track of your process. Truly, it’s not about being an artist but a way to tell a story and work through your feelings and emotions. It’s a meditative process where you can find peace and even happiness.
The Magic of Art Journaling

I have never thought of myself as an artist. Creative maybe, but artist, no. Yet, I adore paper, pens, and paint. Really, any art supplies make my heart jump a few beats.
My desire to journal was mostly to have a tome of personal writing that looked cool and was thick with messiness and beauty all at the same time.

I am enamored with the kind of journals that are filled with ideas and sketches that spanned lifetimes, the kind that tell deep and interesting stories and that are worn from love and use.

I longed for that kind of journal.
When I discovered art journaling, magic happened. I would write and sketch each day, playing and experimenting with different mediums. Before long my journal came alive to me.
The more the pages warped and bent, became tattered and painted, the more I loved my journal.
Journaling became a serious endeavor. A place I turned to when I felt stressed from a busy day or any life issue but also a place to have fun.
My journals have evolved over time and now look more like the well-loved books I longed for.
I prefer to use watercolors, acrylic paint-usually with fingers, collage, and a bit of the recycle bin.
Then add in words of inspiration, wonder, emotion, and deep thought.

What Have I Learned from Journaling with Art?

We are all artists and creative.
This type of process helps you grow.
A journal is a best friend. Talk to it often to nurture that relationship.

There are no rules, do it your way!

Being reckless and making mistakes adds to the beauty of your journal.
If you don’t like something paint or glue over it and make it beautiful.

Art heals us.

Art journaling helps you relax, solve problems, and keep track of your process.
Truly, it’s not about being an artist but a way to tell a story and work through your feelings and emotions.
It’s a meditative process where you can find peace and even happiness.
Art journaling is the place where the conscious and subconscious meet, a place where magic happens.